Pushkin Library

Russian Library

Operating hours:

Sunday 12:00 to 14:00


Any resident of Montreal or its suburbs may borrow books.

An initiation fee of $20.00 is charged to new members. In the absence of any outstanding debts, this is refunded when the individual terminates her/his membership.

Suitable identification must be provided at the time of becoming a member.

There is a monthly fee of $3.00. This is not charged if the member is currently not holding any library books, as may occur during vacations or business trips.

A maximum of three books (not counting chidren’s) may be taken out at one time, and for a maximum period of three weeks.


  • Basic (literature, journals)
  • Religious
  • Science fiction
  • Biographies
  • Children’s
  • Other

Welcome, all book lovers!

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